Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Does your cat need to go outside to be happy?

MANY PEOPLE believe that cats need to go outside to enjoy their day. In fact, cats can lead fabulous lives indoors. They don't read travelogs, so they don't know what adventures they are missing. Indoor cats live two to three times longer than cats that go outside.
What are some of the things that cats miss when they don't go outdoors?

Fleas, ticks and worms: Indoor kitties are unlikely to get fleas and ticks, unless they pick them up from you or a resident dog. Most indoor cats do not need to receive regular flea medication either. Since intestinal worms are generally transmitted by fleas, indoor-only cats are unlikely to get worms as well.

Your attention to their litter-box habits: Urinary issues are common in cats. These problems may go unnoticed in cats that don't have an indoor litter box until it is too late for successful veterinary intervention.

Needing veterinary attention: Outdoor cats may get into altercations with other cats, dogs or wild animals that may result in a bite or scratch, which can lead to an abscess or the contraction a life-threatening disease such as leukemia or FIV.

Being unintentionally poisoned: Rodent poison works up the food chain; ingesting the poison itself, or an animal that has eaten it, may be fatal for your cat.

Being hit by a car: Although some folks believe their cat is street smart, no cat looks both ways when being chased.

Being lunch or dinner for a coyote: Coyotes abound in virtually all areas of Marin County and readily prey on cats both during the day and at night.
"Cats are not safe outdoors. The dangers and reduced life expectancy trump a cats desire to romp outside," says John Reese, chief operating officer of the Marin Humane Society. "Plus, your cat can be an unknown nuisance by using the neighbor's garden as a litter box and hunting birds and other small animals."
Indoor cats appreciate an environmentally enriched home that will keep them stress free and healthy. Cats think of their space in three dimensions. Providing them with a cat tree satisfies their desire to climb and gives them a strong sturdy place to scratch. Many cats shun the small scratchers we offer to them because they don't satisfy their desire to stretch while they scratch. A bird or squirrel feeder near an indoor vertical perch can provide hours of kitty amusement.
Simply playing with your cat two times a day for 10 to 15 minutes with an interactive wand toy can do wonders for its state of mind. Rotating the toys cats have access to keeps them from getting bored. When cats play they are reenacting the hunt; as the animals get older they are more likely to play with a toy if it disappears from their sight. In the wild, cats pounce on prey, just as the prey are going out of their field of view. If you play with your cat and provide a nice meaty meal before bedtime, your cat's nocturnal activities will be greatly diminished. You both may enjoy a good safe night's sleep.
While young cats that haven't had any experience outside and cats that have had a bad experience outside are happy to live indoors, some felines previously exposed to the outdoors are intent on going out. For these cats, an outdoor enclosure is recommended. These may be simple structures added on to your home or created in your yard or complex outside adventure areas. Many companies offer prefabricated, custom and DIY options.
Have a question about your cat's behavior? Call our cat behavior hotline at 506-6284. We offer phone and in-home consultations as well as a variety of workshops for new and experienced cat guardians.
Beth Weil is a cat behavior consultant for the Marin Humane Society, which contributes Tails of Marin articles. Go to

What: "Environment Enrichment/Outdoor Enclosures"
When: 1 p.m. May 4
Where: Marin Humane Society, 171 Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Novato
Admission: $25
Information: 506-6280;
More: Other upcoming cat classes include "Kittens 101," "Cats 101" and "Dogs and Cats Living in Harmony."

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